
You are someone who wants the BEST in life,
to achieve NEW HEIGHTS,
and to feel AMAZING while doing it all -

What if there were a way to go

Would that be something that you’d be interested in?


You’re intelligent, so I know that you’re answering YES to that question, and the key to all this is:


What are FLOW States?

Flow is a Psychological State that is created by specific Neurochemicals in the body, unleashed under precise conditions, which produce the following results:

This video with Expert Flow Researcher, Steven Kotler, explains what Flow States look like and the dramatic results they produce when consistently achieved!

For more context, organizations like Google, DARPA, McKinsey, Deloitte, the Navy SEALS, and F1 pay BILLIONS of Dollars per YEAR to understand!

"Flow is an optimal state of consciousness, a peak state where we both feel and perform our best. We become so involved in a activity that nothing else seems to matter.
The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement and thought follows inevitably from the previous one like playing jazz.
Your whole being is involved, and you're using your skills to the upmost."

- Mihaly Csikszetnmihalyi, Godfather of Flow Research

How YOU Can Help!

THIS is where you could help me, and in return you will benefit TENFOLD!
I have gotten an AMAZING, and highly selective, opportuntity to work closely with Steven Kotler, and his team, to learn the full depths of Flow Neurobiology, the science involved, and the techniques that will help my clients consistently and more powerfully achieve Flow States in their lives!

It has been a dream of mine to work with Steven for many years, after his work COMPLETELY changed my life and career! I've been truly honored to have this opportunity!

But, the key to this opportunity is that I must conduct scientific research, and having a certain amount of clients is optimal to conduct the research involved, because strong scientific research demands strong datasets!
For your help and participation in this WORLD-CLASS research, this is what I would like to offer you:

"When doing what we most love transforms us into the best possible version of ourselves, and that version hints at even greater future possibilities, the urge to explore those possibilities becomes feverish compulsion. Intinsic motivation goes through the roof. Thus FLOW becomes and alternative path to MASTER, sans the misery."

- Steven Kotler, Top Flow Researcher

The Offer - JUST FOR YOU!

  • 4 Reports that Will Assist Your Leadership FREE - $180 Value
  • DISC Leadership Communication Report (Designed Specifcally for Leaders)
  • Stress and Well-Being Assessment Report
  • VIA 24 Report
  • 16 Personalities Report

Now, if that all sounds interesting, then you may be wondering...
Who is this guy?

Well, you can look at my profile, but here’s the gist:
  • Founder - The Leadership Guide: Legendary Leadership Coach and Speaker
  • Host of The Leadership Guide Podcast - TOP 1% of All Podcasts, Listened to in 4 Continents
  • TV Show Host on Leadership
  • Coaching Certified with the John Maxwell Team, Optimize, HeartMath and Future Force
  • Prior Member of the Forbes Coaches Council, and Advisory Board Member for the Future of Business Coaching
  • Finalist for The Next Level of Inspirational Speakers, and The Extraordinarian Award for Coaches with Ideas that can change Businesses, People, and the World for the Better
  • Co-Author of 6 Best Selling Books
  • Fitness Certified with Original Strength, Animal Flow, and Oxygen Advantage
Hopefully that all speaks for itself, but you can be the judge of that.

"Unlock Your Heroic Potential
Evolve into a Legendary Leader
Forge Ahead

- Cody Dakota Wooten,
YOUR Legendary Leadership Coach

If you are open to helping me and participanting in this unparalled research,

I’d love to set up a time to speak further about what exactly will be entailed in the process,

as well as discuss what I can do to help YOU achieve ALL of the goals that you have!

Just fill out the information below, and I’ll get you on my schedule!
PS -
There are a LIMITED number of spots that are open for this opportunity, so if this is something you want to discuss, please let me know ASAP! This is not "false scarcity" because I don't believe in doing that, I'm just a human being that can only take on so many clients at this level at once!

Make The BEST Decision of Your Life!

May the Lord bless all those who view this with the strength that they seek...